Meet Our Chef

When people hear the words gourmet chocolate, 9 times out of 10 their response is “I love chocolate!” or “Chocolate is my favorite thing!” or “I’m the biggest chocolate addict in the world”. Well, the world has a lot of chocolate addicts! I am one of them. The only difference is, I can’t eat conventional chocolate made with sugar and low low-quality cacao beans. In 2019 I was diagnosed with cancer, a cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, and as a part of my recovery I fully gave up sugars, and with it, to my huge disappointment, chocolate! Although I could live without most sweets, and some I adapted to a low carb-friendly way of making, there wasn’t any really great, delicious and at the same time “clean” chocolate on the market, so I had to invent it.

Few companies challenge the status quo to bring truly life changing products to market, which will be impressive on all levels of senses without sacrificing the quality of experience people expect from indulging chocolate. I was motivated to beat my cancer, and I want to see a healthier, happier world. I wanted to share my love and passion for premium gourmet chocolate and health through the most exceptional and innovative chocolate gifts. That’s how Sinless Treats Chocolate was born.

The mission of Sinless Treats is Luxury, Innovation and Health. We want our chocolate to be a bold statement of status and care, of class and empathy, to create bonds and make lasting impressions while nourishing health and providing incredible indulging experience. I used my scientific knowledge to invent an exceptional product designed to improve, nourish, and also impress and reward. I invite you on the journey of chocolate, health and luxury. Sinless Treats delivers Nature’s Luxury in Every Bite.

First Steps as A Chocolatier

I come from decades of experience in biomedical research and I applied all my scientific knowledge in biochemistry, immunology, and assay development to chocolate making. My first batches were unpredictable. Not only do sugar substitutes not act like sugar in the recipes, which poses a challenge, but I had no idea that chocolate had a crystal structure. Not only that, it has to be only specific types of crystals forming in the specific orientation that gives the chocolate the glossy appearance and characteristic snap.

Those crystals form through the process called tempering and appear at a specific temperature. After dedicating dozens of hours to researching and practicing, my chocolate became a lot more consistent, every next batch coming out better than the previous. Soon my daughter was gladly willing to trade the candies she got in daycare for the bonbons I made, and my friends half-jokingly encouraged me to start selling them and quit my job.

I saw people trying my chocolate and really enjoyed it, and I knew eating them was not affecting my blood sugar levels on my low-carb lifestyle, so I continued working on the recipes until I got them to perfection.


Creating Sinless Treats

With the encouragement from family and friends I switched careers. Now I am a scientist and a chocolatier. Before, I was so happy doing science that I would never consider doing anything else. For a while now that was not the case. However, I noticed that I am the happiest when creating my signature chocolate. It tapped into the same creative side that I used to tap into to envision and develop the cancer immunotherapy I patented at MD Anderson Cancer Center.

The inspiration comes straight from the heart, and you can be sure of the quality because it is the same chocolate I eat, and I give to my daughter. I do not believe in cutting corners, and substituting the ingredients for the cheaper ones to increase the profit. It brings me joy seeing people trying my sweets for the first time. It brings me happiness when the diabetic customer tells me they ate my bonbons and had no symptoms of sugar rush, and now they are my customers for life.

I care for my desserts to make a difference for people who don’t want to settle for the traditional sweets, whether by choice, or with no choice in the matter. I care! So come by, meet me at the local events. Pick up a box of chocolate and experience the difference you can’t taste. 

Our Process

At Sinless Treats our cacao beans are grown exclusively for us on the select organic, original DNA cacao tree farms in Ecuador, Costa Rica, Bolivia, and Nicaragua. Our unique recipes and processes are developed by our scientist head chocolatier using only sustainable, wholesome ingredients and technologies. We use natural, high end sugar alternatives instead of sugar to maximize your enjoyment and health benefits. We hand craft each peace to perfection to suit the most sophisticated taste.
WE believe in minimal processing for our chocolate to be the closest to nature as possible. We ferment out cacao beans in the leaves from the South American Rainforest to infuse the chocolate with fruity notes and plant nutraceuticals. We then dry the beans under the hot and dry South American sun to get rid of excess moisture. We conch and refine the perfectly fermented and roasted cocoa beans on granite mills, coating every solid particle with cacao butter, giving the chocolate a well-developed and delicious flavor and texture.

My Motivation

Working on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic I saw firsthand the effects of poor diet and sugar-rich lifestyle had on people. People were at higher risk of being in a hospital or dying because they don’t have an option for minimally processed foods that support their optimal health.

Few companies challenge the status quo to bring truly life changing products to market, which will satiate on all levels of senses without sacrificing the quality of experience people expect from chocolate. I want to see the healthier world and I want my children and all the children to live longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives, having the energy to change their world for the better.

The mission of Sinless Treats is to improve health while providing incredible experience through our chocolate. I used my scientific knowledge to invent an incredible product designed to improve, nourish, and also impress and reward. I invite you on the journey of chocolate, health and luxury. Health Is Wealth, share it!

Our Team

Our chocolate factory is a creative space, where creative experienced chocolatiers make the most unique chocolate in the world. Every day our chocolate makers produce dozens of pounds of the purest quality chocolate, which our chocolatiers use to hand craft the chocolates and bars. We manufacture and craft our chocolate in the USA, in the heart of Houston, TX, and we have the most diverse, experienced team and a woman owned business.  


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Meet Our Chef

When people hear the words gourmet chocolate, 9 times out of 10 their response is “I love chocolate!” or “Chocolate is my favorite thing!” or

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